
Platystrophia brachynota (Hall, 1843)

Synonymy list
1843     Delthyris brachynota — Hall
1920     Platystrophia brachynota (Hall) — McEwan
1950     Platystrophia brachynota (Hall) — Whittard & Barker
1962     non Platystrophia cf. brachynota Hall, 1843 — Rubel , pp. 81, fig. I 14, text fig 10
1984     non Platystrophia cf. brachynota Hall, 1843 — Rubel et al. , pp. 6
Selection of related publications
Rubel, M. P. 1962. Estonian Llandoverian Brachiopods of the superfamily Orthacea. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused IX, 75-92.
References based on distribution