
Platystrophia crassoplicata Alichova, 1951

Synonymy list
1845     Spirifer chama, forma „major” — Verneuil , pp. 9, fig. 5:1
1951     Platystrophia crassoplicata sp. nov. — Alichova , pp. 10, fig. 1: 1
2007     Platustrophia crassoplicata Alichova, 1951 — Zuyikov et Harper , fig. 2: 1-2
Selection of related publications
Zuykov, M. A., Harper, D. A. T. 2007. Platystrophia (Orthida) and new related Ordovician and Early Silurian brachiopod genera. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences 56, 1, 11-34.
Oraspõld, A. L. 1956. New brachiopods from the Jõhvi, Keila and Vasalemma stages. ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituudi Uurimused I, 41-67.